How to Make A Successful 3D Video Animation; Learn the Process

3d video animation

We’re sure that you’ve seen many 3D animations in video games, advertisements, and television series. 3D animated videos are an art form that originated during the 60s but didn’t become mainstream till the release of the classic Toy Story.

Today, 3D animation is all over the place, an ever-expanding and ever-green genre, and is highly competitive to get into. In today’s world, where people demand more video content, 3D video animations are the way to stand out. These videos are gaining amazing popularity in every field and industry as it is enjoyed by people of all ages and grabs the attention quite well.

Nowadays, you can see many kinds of animation, including 2D animation, 3D animation, character animation, whiteboard animation, and motion graphics, and all of these are doing amazing jobs for brands and businesses. When it comes to 3D animated videos, it is a way to hook the audience and entertain them well. With top 3d animation services, you get creative 3D video animations in order to deliver messages to your audience in an easy yet effective manner. But have you ever thought about how you can make a successful 3D video animation from scratch? Read this article.

This article helps you understand some ways to create successful 3D animated videos with the right agency on time and within budget.




3D Animated Video Production

Here are the steps to produce successful 3D video animations.

Storyboard and Idea

The initial step in 3D production is the conceptualization of ideas and the creation of storyboards. It helps to translate ideas into visual form. A storyboard is an illustration sequence that displays your digital story in 2D.

The first dimension is time- what happens first, second, and last. And the next dimension is interaction- how the voiceover interacts with images, how effects and visual transitions help tie together the images, and how the voiceover interacts with the soundtrack.

Any element can interact with others. A storyboard is a step to plan the impact you want to make on the audience.

3D Modelling

It is the construction of characters and objects with the help of mathematical representation of all of their elements.

Rudimentary compositions of primitive shapes like cubes, planes, or spheres are produced using vertices in order to form a mesh. All these points are mapped onto a 3D grid and then rendered into a 3-dimensional object.

When you create a 3D model, you will learn a method to create your model and go back to it when you need to create fresh models.


The texturing process of a model is to provide or shape a 3d model with its desired look and feel. A 3D model without texturing is nothing! It is just like a clay model. It doesn’t matter how detailed your model is; without texturing, it is always incomplete.

This process involves assigning a 3D model the physical properties, such as color, reflectivity, glossiness, roughness, refractivity, etc. With this process, you can add minute details such as skin pores, creature scales, fabric threads, wrinkles, etc.; this is why it would be a big mistake if you miss this step while making an outstanding 3D animated video.

 Rigging and Skinning

Setting up characters to walk and talk is the ending step before the start of the character animation process. Well, the term might look irrelevant to you, but it is the step that gives character to life. This process is called rigging and skinning.

In this process, you can set up a controllable skeleton for the character as per the animation. Though every rig is unique and comes with a different color set but largely depends on the subject matter.

When it comes to skin, it is the process of attaching a 3D model skin to the rigged skeleton, so the 3D model can be operated with the help of the rig.


It is the most critical and time-consuming task that adds life to the 3D characters. In this step, the animator changes the objects on a frame-by-frame basis. It is the same as the old concept where cartoons were hand-drawn.


There are several ways you can make the animation task very quickly. You can add objects on splines and make settings to ensure that it follows the path of curves.


Lighting, in combination with textures and camera angle, is where the scene is going to come alive. Be sure to use it rightly; otherwise, all your efforts will go in a vein like scenes can be washed out, or objects may appear hard or flat.

When done rightly, lighting can make a scene convincing, and if you want realism, create a scene that is virtually indistinguishable from reality.


Rendering is the process of generating 3D video animation via a graphics processing unit (GPU). Just put the render equation into the software to get a complete animated sequence. During this process, elements like shading, shadows, reflection, texture mapping, translucency, depth of field, etc., can be formulated.


So, this is all about the steps to make a successful 3D animated video. It involves a number of steps to make eye-catching videos, so it is better to go with the professional animators of the best video animation services company. They can help you with video animations as well as;

  • Web development services
  • Digital marketing services
  • Graphic design services
  • Mobile app development services
  • Illustration design services


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