What does the JUN protein do?

The Jun protein is produced by the JUN gene. The function of this protein is that it regulates gene expression. The JUN protein interacts with target genes to help control cell growth. The human JUN encodes a protein that is similar to the viral protein. Viral proteins usually are found only in viruses.

Viruses cause cancer in their hosts, so we know that the viral proteins help to control the growth of the virus in the host cells. This means that this protein is important for the development of cancer. The JUN protein works in several different ways. For example, it helps to control the growth of our skin cells.

This protein has several different roles in cell c-Jun protein related products division. This makes the protein very important for the regulation of cell division. If this protein doesn’t function properly, the cells won’t divide correctly. The protein is encoded by the JUN gene. This gene is on chromosome one.

This gene is located on a long section of chromosome one called the p31. The JUN gene encodes a protein that is similar to the viral protein. The viral protein regulates gene expression.

The viral protein interacts with specific target DNA sequences to control gene expression. This viral protein controls the growth of the virus. The viral protein helps the virus to keep dividing as it replicates.

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